Unit Instance
Units API
See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.
GET /api/units/2340407/?format=api
http://weblate.ucs.ru/api/translations/kiosk2/bk/bs_Latn/?format=api", "source": "Beer is sold only to persons over 18 years of age upon presentation of an identity document. If at the time of dispensing an alcoholic beverage you cannot provide an identification document, the restaurant employee has the right to refuse to issue you products and to complete the refund procedure. Do you agree that you are 18 years old or more?", "previous_source": "", "target": "Pivo se prodaje iskljucivo osobama starijim od 18 godina uz identifikacijski dokument. Ukoliko prilikom usluzivanja alkoholnih pica niste u mogucnosti da pokazete identifikacijski dokument, zaposleni u restoranu imaju pravo da Vas ne usluze i da izvrse proces refundacije. Da li se slazete da ste stari 18 ili vise godina?", "id_hash": -4803000579661511496, "content_hash": 1489095837917872781, "location": "", "context": "popup_text_before_buy_alcohol", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "position": 13, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 61, "priority": 100, "id": 2340407, "web_url": "http://weblate.ucs.ru/translate/kiosk2/bk/bs_Latn/?checksum=3d58506b9147c4b8", "url": "http://weblate.ucs.ru/api/units/2340407/?format=api", "source_info": "http://weblate.ucs.ru/api/sources/193904/?format=api" }{ "translation": "