Fiscal shift exceeded 24 hours (Fisc24Out)
Medium |
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Medium |
Problem with getting device statuses
Medium |
No connection to the cash register server
Medium |
The shift was automatically closed
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Medium |
Medium |
Shift exceeded specified value
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Medium |
Fiscal registrator locked/offline (Online)
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Device is unavailable (DeviceAvailable)
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Currently unsent OFD documents (UnsendedDocs)
Medium |
EKLZ is near end (EklzNearEnd)
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Printer error. Paper other error (PaperOther)
Medium |
Unlocked %s \n\nThe kiosk was previously locked due to:
Medium |
License expires %s. Kiosk
Medium |
License expires %s. Please contact your dealer for renewal.
Medium |
Temporary password for kiosk
Medium |
This password will be actual during the current shift.
Medium |
Medium |
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